Opening the door for the B.C. Law Society
to repair their involvement in my miscarriage of justice
Unfortunately the mother of my children took advantage of my legal dispute with the Judiciary to take me to a court that she knew would be unfairly partial to her because she had witnessed my efforts to seek justice even with the best evidence possible accompanied by failure.
I made a complaint regarding the conduct of the lawyer who advised and represents her to the BC Law Society. The email was acknowledged received and a further response due around Dec 18, 2024 but we wait…
Dear Sir/Madam,
I believe that the conduct of Marta Brus represents a failure to adhere to her requirements to promote the interests of justice and the promotion of suits on frivolous notions and brings the legal system into disrepute and is an abuse of duties and process.
I attach two letters that I have sent in regards to this matter. The letters demonstrate that her duty to attempt to negotiate and mediate in good faith, prior to bringing matters to Court was specifically avoided because of a correct perception that the bias of the Court would create a more beneficial outcome. I also attach my brief as Intervener in the Federal Court of Appeal debating the enforcement of the Emergencies Act.
Her advice is provided to her client in the attached Affidavit of Sara Rainford. I presume that a lawyer would be deemed a well informed observer but perhaps her status as a member of the law society removes her from the membership of the status of a member of the public. Marta Brus's advice was that given the nature of the allegations, it is unlikely that he would attend. The allegations would be uncontested and an injustice would occur, as planned.
Unfortunately the evidence also implicates the BC Law Society in a failure to protect the public interest and comply with the governing statute of the BC Legislature which is a criminal offence and a failure to self-regulate in accordance with the law. Obviously my trust in this process which has significant impacts on my legal rights and in which I have no rights to a fair and impartial hearing, is zero.
Unfortunately the Attorney General's Office is equally failing to protect the public and conducting a prosecution knowing the unfairness and partiality of the tribunal as well as failing to respond to the enforcement procedure of the Charter, their governing constitution.
A failure to protect the public interest in the access to justice crisis.
Ms Brus's failure to realize that I would assert the Charter to protect fundamental justice and the public's right to a fair and impartial trial is also shared by the BC Law Society who protected lawyers obstructing justice, committing fraud on a court order and failing to comply with court orders to provide monthly trust account statements.
The Canadian Judicial Council also asserting that judges had discretion to reject the transcript used to correct an improperly drafted court order and could instead call upon the Plaintiff to protect her lawyer committing fraud.
Resulted in my requesting the Minister of Justice to correct the CJC and his failure to do so and my serving David Lametti with the enforcement procedure of the Charter requesting accountability from the MOJ which they denied because there was no defence. Which led me to requesting a writ of mandamus on the MOJ and the judge's failure to attend court at all on the day assigned, which was Feb 14, 2022, when David Lametti enforced the Emergencies Act upon Canadians...knowing that accountability was being requested.
And Marta Brus right in the center of the mess knowing the outcome was going to be a miscarriage of justice because she informed her client of what a reasonable well informed person would do, which is not attend a court which was in conflict with its governing agreement, the Canadian Charter of Rights.
Marta Brus should be disbarred for her failure to protect her client from allegations of abuse of process, other lawyers who rely on the trust that Canadians have in their constitutional rights to a fair and impartial trial, the court for bringing a matter that could have been resolved by mediation as it obviously brings the court into disrepute and to Canada for bringing disrepute to our constitution by purposefully dragging this matter into the court system.
Of course I have a reasonable apprehension of bias in the fairness and impartiality of the entire process, given that when push comes to shove there is no evidence that I can present to protect myself from fraud and corruption within the legal system. That has been confirmed not only by the Canadian Judicial Council but by the BC Court of Appeal which claimed that allegations could be dismissed as conspiracy theories, no matter what the quality of evidence is presented.
The legal system has a duty to protect fundamental justice to promote fair and impartial trials. It is a constitutional imperative. The legal system has an obligation to serve the public under the constitutional constraints. A breach in the Charter requires a restoration of the breach. The breach has not been restored. The denial does not provide access to justice. The denial promotes fraud and corruption as legitimate tools rather than abuses of duties and process.
Trevor Holsworth
Some other posts that are relevant include
This was one of the first hearings on the child support issue. The lawyer quit work and quit being a lawyer within the week.
This is the “trial” that landed me in jail for 80 days.
This is my first experience with Justice Sicotte in regards to my initial protest July 16, 2021
This is part of my experience in jail
This is my complaint regarding the conduct of the judge. not from the trial but prior to that.