Does accusing the crown prosecutors, judges and government agencies of fraud and corruption void Your fraud and decades of crimes?

Denied and ignored at every level would indicate that your constant fabrications are not accepted as the truth. All along the way of your ridiculous journey you have created enemies and ridiculed what some people refer to as friends for not supporting your increased conflict creations and fanatical delusions.

Your kids will look back on showing up at ‘your’ house and you absent and imprisoned for 80 days as traumatic.

You have had your say 1000s of times.

Now, shut the fuck up and give your ex wife and children some peace from your nonsense. For THEIR sake.

Block me Trevor just as you block the truth

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It is not a crime to report a crime in the legal system. Justice is rooted in fairness so there are principles ingrained in the system to protect it's integrity but because justice is managed by people it is exploited by corruption, turns into a tool of abuse, and the actors attempt to shield themselves from accountability. Actual perception of bias is by definition unconstitutional as it conflicts with the requirement to provide an impartial trial and therefore a decision under these circumstances has no force or effect.

I have only reported wrongdoing and been punished for that. I have met some good people along the way. For example I had a good relationship with the Public Prosecutor who conducted my appeals and ended up dropping their prosecution "in the public interest". Denial just does equal justice, it just means denial. It does not mean truth.

Yes it was a traumatic experience for my children, as intended by the Judiciary and clearly not in the best interests of any child. But it more clearly demonstrates their poor conduct. I can only control my conduct, not the conduct of others.

It was the mother of my children that brought this conflict into their lives, intentionally and with malice and through the advice of two lawyers - one the lawyer that initially committed the fraud on the court and the other who knew their conduct was unconstitutional because it would result in an obviously unfair and biased trial as they knew the judiciary would attack me and ignore all my evidence, including the transcript because they had done it before. Why would you defend such conduct? How would you respond under similar situation - crawl under a rock and submit to the bully? What truth? How does one respond to such abuse...by attempting to survive and tell my story. What's wrong with that? Am I supposed to not defend myself because it is a woman attacking a man?

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And Thats 👆why you are known as ‘Whatever Trevor’

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and that's why you use it when you have nothing meaningful to contribute but wish to disparage my opinion which is supported by the evidence.

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To my mind as a citizen of Canada with very limited legal and constitutional knowledge but having read sections pertaining to "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" at Section 12."Sections 7 to 14 protect people’s rights when they are dealing with the justice system. They make sure people can trust it and that they are treated fairly, especially when they are charged with a crime. They are based on a belief in the dignity and worth of every human being." It boggles the mind that in the 21st Century we have modern examples of Victorian debtor punitive measures, gender specific to men and yet the female gender is allowed total mischief of withholding children and lawless, unchecked discord throughout so-called "family law". Where are equal examples in case law of loss of mobility vis-à-vis the revocation of license and passport for failure to pay for the children of men? To juxtapose the "crime" and punishment allotment of 80 days compared to that of organized criminals, gun violence directed at elementary schools and public declarations of anti-Semitic hate speech and encampments on campuses across the country, of late, which are not even given the time of day by law enforcement (but in some cases offered doughnuts & coffee.) Yet another father is destroyed with zeal and fervor in an epidemic of fatherlessness in North America. ...Kafka has landed and the eagle of freedom is fatally wounded in this "trial" of grand scheme supporting the arcane and archaic craft of "family law". May it be dismantled and abolished when male reproductive rights are realized in legislation in the next era with no place for misandry.

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WTF? Its not cruel and unusual punishment. Trevor was caught hiding his finances to avoid paying child support. The judge was sick of being lied to. Stop supporting this twat you know fuck all about. What you do know about him is bullshit posted online because no one offline will believe him. He is a perpetual fraud

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