My complaint is regarding former Minister of Justice David Lametti
c/o Fasken Montreal
800 Victoria Square, Suite 3500
Montreal QC H3C 0B4
I attach the evidence that I provided to the Federal Court of Appeal hearing from the AG of Canada regarding the decision of Justice Mosely from the Federal Court declaring the enforcement of the Emergencies Act was without justification, illegal and unconstitutional. The evidence that I presented to the Court goes against the claim by David Lametti before the Public Order Emergencies Commission that his conduct was in “good faith.”
Mr. David Lametti made false and misleading statements as to his duties as a Minister of Justice, in order to avoid doing them, which does not generate public trust in the legal system.
I note that the legal opinion provided to Cabinet was claimed by David Lametti at the Public Order Emergencies Commission to be in "good faith" and the current Minister of Justice, Mr. Arif Virani has refused to provide that opinion to Parliament despite numerous requests, leaving Parliament and the the Public in doubt as to the legitimacy or legality of that opinion.
Senator Claude Carignan put it this way,
"Why hide it?
Either the legal opinion states that the measures taken were legal, or else it states that they were illegal.
If it states that they were legal, what's preventing you from giving it to us?"
Parliament February 27 2024 before the Declaration of Emergencies Committee
Failing to comply with the provisions of the constitution of the State is a failure of the duty of a lawyer to the State, and in this case, the Court, who the public must trust, without a doubt, the public who the legal system serves and fellow lawyers whose professional services are being constitutionally guaranteed and allegedly protected by the provincial law societies.
David Lametti must have known or been wilfully blind to not know that accountability was being requested of him in the legal system as constitutional questions were served on the issue as specified on serving the crown, receipt acknowledged and brought to the attention of the provincial court on July 16, 2021.
Additionally he must have known that a writ of mandamus was being requested of him and debated in the BC Supreme Court on Dec 3, 2021
Of course he must have known that a decision was due to be rendered on Feb 14, 2024
Under these understanding the Minister of Justice enforcing the Emergency Act was an attempted overthrow of our democratic institutions to improperly protect himself and his friends, lawyers and judges from being accountable to the people of Canada. Without Parliament to check the power of the Executive or the Judiciary his rule was omnipotent. The fact that he knew that the Judiciary were claiming absolute discretion over all evidence and refusing for their claim of discretion to be checked by Parliament to properly protect the people of Canada from lawyers committing fraud, trial fixing and not complying with court orders. A failure in the rule of law throughout the Canadian legal system means he was knowingly failing his duty to protect the public.
I note that the functionality of the administration of justice is a matter of national security.
David Lametti failed the public, other lawyers, the judiciary, the state and I'm sure himself. A disgraceful legacy.
The failure brought the administration of justice and the administration of Canada into disrepute. Significantly more so than addressing the legitimate questions presented requesting accountability. The conduct represents a breach of trust to all Canadians.
Please find attached the evidence that I submitted to the Federal Court of Appeal regarding the enforcement of the Emergencies Act with particular attention to the email sent by David Lametti.
Yours sincerely,
Trevor Holsworth
This is frightening stuff but is so true Parliament is not protecting the people of Canada from lawyers committing fraud, trial fixing and not complying with court orders. Every single organization I have dealt with during my 14 years of fighting with the legal system is failing its duty to protect the public. This is done on purpose from the highest up there, not to upset the apple cart and leave the status quo as is. At sometime this is going to have to come crashing down.