“It has become increasingly evident that our procedures for dealing with serious judicial conduct complaints are outmoded, slow, and opaque. Furthermore, while Canadians expect transparency and accountability, we continue to operate under 1970s models of judicial administration.” - The Chief Justice Himself.

Also from the Chief Justice, “We must remember that confidence in our justice system relies not only on justice being done, but also on justice being seen to be done. To me, this means that we must take concerns that are raised by litigants and other members of civil society about transparency, privacy and procedural fairness seriously,” Is any Judicial body in the Justice System really taking "concerns that are raised by litigants ...seriously?"

The Chief Justice again, "We can take pride in our judicial system, and how it serves Canadians with fairness and impartiality,”

"Judges have judicial immunity and bear no liability for their judicial errors" - Why?

The "COA" also affirmed the test for establishing a reasonable apprehension of bias, saying, “that the seemingly gratuitous statement of the Trial Judge concerning the appellant's credibility before the conclusion of the trial was not appropriate and raised a serious issue regarding the Trial Judge's impartiality” Accordingly, a new trial was ordered.” However not in my case - why?

Is it any wonder that the Canadian Justice System has become: "A nightmare of bias, incompetence, and unchecked power and the judicial system has no one to blame for this but themselves". “Our justice system is self-destructing before our eyes because too many lawyers, judges and elected or appointed government officials place their profession, friends, and profits before the rule of law.”

"The legal system in Canada has let down its users, the communities it serves, and its own values of fairness and equality. So many people now experience the courts or lawyers or the law as a club that excludes them, a tight clique that always looks down on them as “outsiders”, and will never see them as equals or peers."

Why do these officials do what they do - The short answer is that only people who try to hide their actions are those who know their actions are wrong or shameful. In this case the Crown does not want the Public to know."

"My hypothesis is that people were more willing to accept the notion 35 years ago that courthouses were places where justice was done. Today, people are more likely to look at them as places where injustice will be done" - Canadian Constitution Foundation.

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well said. thank you.

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