Trevor, your definitely Called to be a Watchman on the Wall eXposing Family Court corruption! Very much grateful for your understanding of our rights and your steadfastness in sharing it with other's who are struggling through the abuse and don't realize how planned it is!

Keep up the good fight!

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Trevor Holsworth is a proven pathological liar and fraud.

He only understands how to be a nuisance. He attempts to manipulate everyone he engages with.

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Why dont you publish your real name instead of hiding. You are correct that the BC Court of Appeal labelled me a conspiracy theorist and my claims as not reflecting reality although they did have in their hands evidence from the Canadian Judicial Council claiming that Judges have discretion to protect a lawyer committing fraud on a court order by rejecting my evidence, the official record of trial, the transcript.

And when I attempted to question the CRA Agent at trial regarding his opinion on the fairness of a trial conducted under these circumstances the Judge refused to allow him to answer.

And that the Public Prosecution Service of Canada dropped their prosecution of me on failing to file income tax statements, (my initial protest against an abusive and unconstitutional administration) "in the public interest" after an examination of prosecutorial discretion and another matter is currently held up at the BC Court of Appeal waiting for the Nelson Registry to comply with a court order to provide the court audio which discloses the corruption. It's been over a year now. I doubt they will ever comply.

And given that the Judge who sentenced me declared that there were no miscarriages of justice despite evidence of fraud and judicial corruption protecting the fraud but when the Judiciary can ignore all the evidence that any Canadian could provide then such miscarriages of justice will be guaranteed to occur.

But they are trying to shut me up because legally the courts are conducting themselves unconstitutionally and refusing to allow their discretion to be examined by the only court of competent jurisdiction to do so, which is Parliament. It is obvious to anyone that the Judiciary is in conflict with their constitutional requirement to provide a "fair and impartial trial" and so legally their decisions are of "no force or effect" until they rectify the situation. They are obviously biased towards lawyers as they will reject the best evidence any canadian could provide to protect fraud committed by a lawyer which is obviously unfair.

Who do you work for? Are you a lawyer, or an otherwise biased Party? Why would anyone defend such conduct and project their guilt onto another...

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You pushed and pushed for that prison sentence. You wanted it. 80 days in prison for lying to the court about your finances. Your books were ‘cooked’ as they say.

What did you expect with all the lies, manipulations and fabrications? That prison sentence does not make you brave or a hero or a protestor of the court system. It makes you an idiot who did not pay child support and then abandoned his children.

Father of the year 2023.

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Why dont you publish your real name instead of hiding. You are correct that the BC Court of Appeal labelled me a conspiracy theorist and my claims as not reflecting reality although they did have in their hands evidence from the Canadian Judicial Council claiming that Judges have discretion to protect a lawyer committing fraud on a court order by rejecting my evidence, the official record of trial, the transcript.

And when I attempted to question the CRA Agent at trial regarding his opinion on the fairness of a trial conducted under these circumstances the Judge refused to allow him to answer.

And that the Public Prosecution Service of Canada dropped their prosecution of me on failing to file income tax statements, (my initial protest against an abusive and unconstitutional administration) "in the public interest" after an examination of prosecutorial discretion and another matter is currently held up at the BC Court of Appeal waiting for the Nelson Registry to comply with a court order to provide the court audio which discloses the corruption. It's been over a year now. I doubt they will ever comply.

And given that the Judge who sentenced me declared that there were no miscarriages of justice despite evidence of fraud and judicial corruption protecting the fraud but when the Judiciary can ignore all the evidence that any Canadian could provide then such miscarriages of justice will be guaranteed to occur.

But they are trying to shut me up because legally the courts are conducting themselves unconstitutionally and refusing to allow their discretion to be examined by the only court of competent jurisdiction to do so, which is Parliament. It is obvious to anyone that the Judiciary is in conflict with their constitutional requirement to provide a "fair and impartial trial" and so legally their decisions are of "no force or effect" until they rectify the situation. They are obviously biased towards lawyers as they will reject the best evidence any canadian could provide to protect fraud committed by a lawyer which is obviously unfair.

Who do you work for? Are you a lawyer, or an otherwise biased Party? Why would anyone defend such conduct and project their guilt onto another...

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What makes you a political prisoner or judicial prisoner? Which one is it? The perception of many is this is all on you.

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What makes this situation POLITICAL is the allegation of improper conduct upon the part of the PM and the AG/MOJ, failing to do their duties to protect Canadians from abuses by the Judicial branch. They both appoint the judges and through Parliament have a responsibility to have them removed for failures of "good behavior".

What makes this situation JUDICIAL is judges claiming power beyond their constitutional constraints. Canadians do not get fair trials or appeal when Judges claim they can ignore all the evidence including the transcript which the appeal is based upon. Numerous attempts have been made for them to justify their conduct which is a legitimate request in a democracy and they all have been denied. What reason could a judge have for ignoring the transcript and preferring the plaintiff's recollection except to pervert justice. It is not justifiable. That's why we dont have a response and a refusal by the judiciary to comply with their own procedures. at the Judicial Council. I've got a Registry denying me access to the court audio. refusing to comply with a court order....

So it's both. Political and Judicial because unfortunately we have a corruption of the doctrine of separation of powers where they are supposed to check each other to protect the public but instead we have them conspiring together and abusing Canadians.

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