This post demonstrates the timing of my legal action with the invocation of the Emergencies Act.


A Constitutional Crisis in Canada that no-one is talking about, as it involves a documented failure of the legal system to protect the public and comply with the Constitution.


My submission to the Parliamentary Committee on Justice and Human Rights


There is a lot more evidence out there at www.fundamentaljustice.com or following my substack.

The public deserves transparency and accountability in our legal system.

They cannot justify themselves in a free and democratic state. So they have not.

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On Feb 14, 2022 Justice Lyster of the Nelson Supreme Court, appointed by Lametti, was supposed to provide a ruling on my request for a writ of mandamus on the minister of justice, an order for a minister to comply his duty - which in the case of the MOJ is to protect the public and ensure that the administration of justice was in compliance with the law. On Dec 4, 2021 I had presented a failure in the rule of law throughout the Canadian legal system, a failure of everyone involved to protect the public.

On Feb 14, 2022 The Minister of Justice invoked the Emergencies Act, which was subsequently found by Justice Mosely in the FC to have been invoked without justification, unconstitutionally, thus illegally.

Of course I feel that my rights are not being respected.

Of course I feel that improper motives are at play.

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So what is the reason they seized the lodge? You do not include the reasons? Your tenure expired and was not renewed. Correct? Ministry told me buildings and business violated tenure agreement. Are you still operating?

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The Ministry claims that there is a breach of the tenure agreement. I claim that the government both provincial and federal AG's are in breach of the Charter as I served the enforcement procedure of the Charter s 24(1) as lawyers claim they dont have to comply with court orders and judges claim they can ignore the best evidence any Canadian could provide, the transcript. So there is no fair evidentiary method of resolving a dispute as they claim to be able to manipulate all evidence and not be bound by the rule of law. I am not operating and cannot operate under such an oppressive, unconstitutional and illegitimate regime. Nobody will invest in Canada under such a system. The Premier of BC is fully informed as is the PMO. Nobody is commenting. Fraud and Corruption is the accepted standard which is unacceptable. I am working with my local MLA Katrine Conroy but have not heard much in the last couple months.

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Katrine Conroy Knows you are full of shit

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Your quest for justice has nothing to do with your failure to renew the tenure agreement.

Honestly, What was the breach of the tenure specifically ? Surely the ministry told you.

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Honestly it has everything to do with it. Who wants to work with a corrupt administration of government. If you cant trust a government to deal with you honestly then their opinion on what the breach is specifically is irrelevant. But, they wanted some upgrades to the building but given the abuse it ended up being impossible to comply and they wouldnt let me sell.

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The non compliance or ‘breach’ of contract is relevant. It is the very basis of the non-renewal of the tenure agreement.

The tenure agreement was not renewed by MOF because of multiple contract violations. There was no corruption in the MOF administration pertaining to the handling of your file. MOF did not manipulate evidence. The MOF was NOT directed by MOJ or any other branch of government regarding your previous tenure. You have been told this a dozen times. The lodge was illegally built on leased land. You have no ownership of any building on that land because the lodge and its operation was not permitted in your lease agreement.

Therefore ‘they would not let me sell’ is a dishonest manipulation of facts. MOF would not respond to your request for a sale because that is an ignorant and insane request.

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I agree that the non compliance or 'breach' of the contract between citizens and the State is relevant. The Charter is the governing document which guarantees fundamental rights and Canada is not in compliance. A breach in the Constitution requires a restoration of that breach. The government must be in compliance with the law before they have legitimate authority to enforce the law.

I'll not be responding to your abusive comments further. You seem to be arguing that the government doesnt have to comply with the law and only the citizens do. Good luck with that. That is called a dictatorship and I'll not operate under that abuse. Nobody should. You already admitted that when you agreed that I had suffered injustice. The Judiciary is the head of the Public Service. It does not matter if the individual department of the MOF did or did not have direction from above.

How would YOU function if you could not protect your interests or assert your rights under ANY circumstance no matter what the evidence. Walk a mile in my shoes.

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No where in the comments does it state they agree with you that you suffered an injustice.

There is no argument (other than your arguments) in the comments that says the government does not have to comply with the law and only the citizens do.

It does matter if an individual department of the MOF did have direction from above. That is your claim.‘MOJ seized my last remaining asset.’ Thats a load of bullshit and you know it.

Your deflections and hypocrisy proves you are a fraud. The hasty generalization fallacies of all authorities prove you are a grifter.

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‘Not let me sell’

Sell what?

There is no ownership or insurance for Ymir Backcountry Lodge. It is a illegally built unauthorized structure on crown land.

We found another large structure you started to build SW of ‘Ymir lodge’

Are you just going to leave these sites in a mess like that?

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A lodge built on crown land without permission would not be considered an asset. The tenure not being renewed therefore would severe any ties or ownership you may have perceived.

The only ownership you need to take is that of cleaning up the fucking mess you made at the ymir lodge site.

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How can they seize something of which you have no ownership?

Ymir Backcountry Lodge;

You built a illegal structure on crown land.

You were caught.

Do not occupy, stop work orders sent

You ignored those orders and operated.

You were caught and warned.

You stopped paying tenure rent

You operated and preached you are a freeman of the land.

You made people sick from the rancid human excrement, excessive Co2 and mould infestation.

Your land use tenure was not renewed and terminated

You ignored and operated.

You claim Arif Virani is connected to the lodge being shut down?

You claim the media and government combined to publish a article in the Nelson Star.

You claim ‘they’ seized the lodge and they are trying to intimidate you.

You are a sick pathetic nuisance.

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Why dont you publish your real name instead of hiding. You are correct that the BC Court of Appeal labelled me a conspiracy theorist and my claims as not reflecting reality although they did have in their hands evidence from the Canadian Judicial Council claiming that Judges have discretion to protect a lawyer committing fraud on a court order by rejecting my evidence, the official record of trial, the transcript.

And when I attempted to question the CRA Agent at trial regarding his opinion on the fairness of a trial conducted under these circumstances the Judge refused to allow him to answer.

And that the Public Prosecution Service of Canada dropped their prosecution of me on failing to file income tax statements, (my initial protest against an abusive and unconstitutional administration) "in the public interest" after an examination of prosecutorial discretion and another matter is currently held up at the BC Court of Appeal waiting for the Nelson Registry to comply with a court order to provide the court audio which discloses the corruption. It's been over a year now. I doubt they will ever comply.

And given that the Judge who sentenced me declared that there were no miscarriages of justice despite evidence of fraud and judicial corruption protecting the fraud but when the Judiciary can ignore all the evidence that any Canadian could provide then such miscarriages of justice will be guaranteed to occur.

But they are trying to shut me up because legally the courts are conducting themselves unconstitutionally and refusing to allow their discretion to be examined by the only court of competent jurisdiction to do so, which is Parliament. It is obvious to anyone that the Judiciary is in conflict with their constitutional requirement to provide a "fair and impartial trial" and so legally their decisions are of "no force or effect" until they rectify the situation. They are obviously biased towards lawyers as they will reject the best evidence any canadian could provide to protect fraud committed by a lawyer which is obviously unfair.

How could I conduct business under such abusive circumstances. A complete failure to provide Canadians the security of an evidence based dispute resolution system without being subjected to unresolvable fraud by the administrators of the legal system.

Who do you work for? Are you a lawyer, or an otherwise biased Party? Why would anyone defend such conduct and project their guilt onto another...

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Indeed, those who deign to speak out and show fault with the establishment a.k.a the state are subject to subversive tactics deployed to neutralize all opposition, mostly by third party at arm's length machinations and post facto policy updates of the loose ends. Oh, and 'please file your complaint with the Ombudsman.' The only strength we have is sheer numbers at the polls and collective organized revolt. Does this seizure of asset have to do with debt to the Crown via FMEP in BC, per se?

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No the seizure has to do with my failure to comply with their rules and regulations due to financial and legal incapacity as a result of the conduct of the Judiciary and lawyers defrauding me.

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Its not a seizure you disingenuous brat.

You built an illegal structure on crown land. You made people sick in that indoor environment.

You lied about the revenue generated at that illegal ski lodge.

On and on with your blatant disregard for decency, facts and meaningful communication.

You are a very disturbed man

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Why dont you publish your real name instead of hiding. You are correct that the BC Court of Appeal labelled me a conspiracy theorist and my claims as not reflecting reality although they did have in their hands evidence from the Canadian Judicial Council claiming that Judges have discretion to protect a lawyer committing fraud on a court order by rejecting my evidence, the official record of trial, the transcript.

And when I attempted to question the CRA Agent at trial regarding his opinion on the fairness of a trial conducted under these circumstances the Judge refused to allow him to answer.

And that the Public Prosecution Service of Canada dropped their prosecution of me on failing to file income tax statements, (my initial protest against an abusive and unconstitutional administration) "in the public interest" after an examination of prosecutorial discretion and another matter is currently held up at the BC Court of Appeal waiting for the Nelson Registry to comply with a court order to provide the court audio which discloses the corruption. It's been over a year now. I doubt they will ever comply.

And given that the Judge who sentenced me declared that there were no miscarriages of justice despite evidence of fraud and judicial corruption protecting the fraud but when the Judiciary can ignore all the evidence that any Canadian could provide then such miscarriages of justice will be guaranteed to occur.

But they are trying to shut me up because legally the courts are conducting themselves unconstitutionally and refusing to allow their discretion to be examined by the only court of competent jurisdiction to do so, which is Parliament. It is obvious to anyone that the Judiciary is in conflict with their constitutional requirement to provide a "fair and impartial trial" and so legally their decisions are of "no force or effect" until they rectify the situation. They are obviously biased towards lawyers as they will reject the best evidence any canadian could provide to protect fraud committed by a lawyer which is obviously unfair.

Who do you work for? Are you a lawyer, or an otherwise biased Party? Why would anyone defend such conduct and project their guilt onto another...

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Why don’t you publish some truth you psychotic nuisance.

Who defended the conduct by lawyers and judges in the comments here? No one.

That is conflict creation. You made that up. Just because you assume or publish a gang of words does not make them true.

Get a grip

Its Fucking mental nonsense not fundamental justice

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